Macaroni Mango Delight / Yummy/ Hira Rajput Official

Mango Tropical Vitamin Fruit

Mangos used to be an exotic rarity,you can get the sweet tropical fruits all year round in every supermarket. With their bright colors and juicy flesh, mangoes not only enrich smoothies and desserts, but are also used in cooking -  Watch now for example in mango chutney or as an ingredient in a Thai curry. But the health value of the mango fruit is also impressive: Mangoes are rich in beta-carotene and other important vitamins. In your country of origin India, the fruits are even said to have numerous healing effects.

Calories and nutritional value of mango

A ripe mango tastes wonderfully sweet - so it is hardly surprising that its pulp contains a lot of sugar. For this reason, the tropical fruits are not suitable for losing weight. In terms of calories, 100 grams of pulp add up to almost 60 kilocalories (kcal).

In addition, 100 grams of a fresh mango have the following nutritional values:

  • 0.4 grams of fat
  • 0.6 grams of protein
  • 12.8 grams of carbohydrates (including 12.5 grams of sugar)
  • 1.7 grams of fiber

Mangoes consist of over 80 percent water. Dried mango was removed from the water, the remaining ingredients are correspondingly more concentrated.Dried mango therefore has an impressive 290 kilocalories and 62 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams - of which 60 grams are sugar.Read More

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Mango - rich in healthy ingredients

Despite their high sugar content, mangoes are very healthy. They owe their high health value above all to their vitamin content. Because mangoes are full of vitamin C , vitamin E and B vitamins, for example vitamin B1 and folic acid . Among other things, these vitamins are valuable for the immune system and help protect the cells from the negative effects of stress.

However, mangoes are particularly rich in beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. This vitamin not only plays an important role in cell renewal of the skin and the immune system but is also required for the visual process - a deficiency in vitamin A can lead to this Cause night blindness. With three grams of beta-carotene per 100 grams of pulp, mangoes are among the carotene-rich fruits. Click Now

In addition to vitamins, mangoes also provide important minerals, such as potassium , magnesium and calcium.

Processing: Peel and cut the mango

You can eat the peel of a mango with some varieties - this is often common in their countries of origin - but many people simply don't like it. If you want to enjoy the juicy flesh, you usually have to remove the mango from its peel and remove the stuck stone.

The best way to do this is to peel the mango after washing with a peeler and cut lengthways with two parallel cuts to the side of the core. Then cut the meat of the middle piece from the core and chop the pieces - depending on the recipe - into strips or cubes.

If the fruit is already a bit ripe, you can simply cut through the unpeeled mango as described above and then either spoon it out or conjure up a "mango macaroni" . To do this, cross-cut the meat in the two large pieces until just before the bowl, so that a grid pattern is created. If you then turn the mango inside out, the mango pieces are easy to eat. Click Here

Use of mangoes - not just in the kitchen

Mangoes are used in many ways in the kitchen. For example, the fruit is suitable for the following uses:

  • in hearty dishes (especially in Indian cuisine), for example tandoori chicken, coconut curry or as a mango chutney with grilled dishes
  • in salad, for example with rocket or chicory
  • in sweet desserts such as sorbet, ice cream, fruit salad or cake
  • preserved as jam or compote
  • dried as a snack or in muesli
  • in drinks, for example as juice or Click Here nectar, in cocktails, shakes, lassi or smoothies

The pulp is not everything that a mango has to offer. Mango seed oil or mango seed butter is obtained from the seeds of the dried fruit Similar to cocoa butter, this vegetable oil is used for example for the production of chocolate or margarine.

However, the oil is not only suitable for eating: due to its moisturizing, moisturizing and regenerating effects, mango kernel oil is also used in cosmetics such as shampoo, lip balm, soaps or creams. It is also used in medical ointments and creams.


Macaroni is a good supply of fiber and intricate carbohydrates which gives vitamins, minerals and energy. " Some of the ingredients used in making the low carbohydrate pastas are soy products, wheat gluten, egg whites, rice flour, and salt
Macaroni is a type of dry pasta that looks like narrow tubes. Although, it is an Italian cuisine, it is famous throughout the world. It is made from durum wheat and eggs are not used in its preparation. As macaroni is a type of pasta it is also made of the same dough of which the pasta is made.
Regular dried pasta is made from refined flour. However, that flour is durum wheat (semolina), a hard-wheat variety that has a higher protein content than most other types.For now Click Here

How To Boil Macaroni Perfectly?


  1. Use a large pot. ...
  2. .Load up the pot with lots of water. ...
  3. Salt the water. ...
  4. Bring the water to a full, rolling boil. ...
  5. Stir to keep the pasta from sticking. ...
  6. Test the pasta two minutes before it's “ready” ...
  7. Save a scoop of pasta water. ...
  8. Drain, toss with sauce, and serve hot.

Recipe Of Making Macaroni Mango Delight 

Click Here Now To Watch Full recipe.
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